Study: My Understanding of Tribes

The Unique Culture And Heritage Of The Piqua Shawnee Tribe

The Alabama state noted that the Piqua Shawnee among other nine tribes is a tribe that exists in their state. The state government of Alabama has encouraged the appreciation of the Piqua Shawnee contributions to the Alabama state by setting aside days that will be jointly celebrated. The Shawnee tribe was a nomadic tribe of farmers and hunters who migrated various areas of Southeast and Northeast. Due to their movements, they did not have their original type of clothing, but they instead adopted to that of the communities they stayed with. Tennessee region is the original home of the Shawnee tribe, but they did not stay there for long, and they later spread to several parts. There were also other tribal areas for the Shawnee and these include, Kansas, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Because the Shawnee mainly depended on the natural environment for their survival, they adapted to what was found in their surrounding environment so that they could survive. Movement from one place to another was something usual for the Shawnee tribe, and that made them establish contact with other tribes that shared the native Indian culture. Peaceful coexistence was recognized by the recognized by the Shawnee tribe, and that is why they avoided neighbors that liked conflicts. With also the coming of the settlers, the Shawnee moved to other parts. Many lives were lost as a result of chaos that was experienced in the parts that the Shawnee people stayed in. Diseases like fever and flu were communicable and they later caught up with part of the population and that is what contributed to the dwindling numbers. The structures in which the Shawnee people stayed in were not complicated in making, and they involved using ropes, animal hides or mats and strips of wood.

The temporary houses in which the Shawnee lived in were made in a shape of a cone, and they were referred to as wigwams. Ropes were used to fasten the woven mats or animal hides to the strips of wood. Speaking was mainly done through Anglonquian. The tribe adapted to what was available, and their livelihoods were therefore shaped with such. It is however good to note that most of the farming was done by the women of the tribe. Apart from farming, women were also tasked with cooking and taking care of the children.

Men of Shawnee tribe mainly hunted and did fishing. For those that were in the plains, the hunting was mainly for buffalo, wild turkey, the dear and the bear. While those in the woodland areas relied on fish and small game like raccoon, dear, squirrel, and the beaver. The Shawnee kept their hair long except when they were to be engaged in a battle. The Shawnee used different weapons when they were faced with an enemy.

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