Due to rampant nepotism in India, government wastes the best engineering talent in the country since they do not get any paid work in india

Nepotism levels in india are the highest in the world with the indian government wasting crores of rupees in taxpayer money paying salaries to the lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends of LIAR ntro/raw/cbi employees with fake resumes, fake bank account, faking domain ownership in a major corruption scandal which the mainstream media does not cover.

Additionally LIAR security agency employees, especially in panaji, goa are falsely labelling harmless hardworking citizens, especially engineers with a good JEE rank from poorer communities a security threat without any legally valid proof to steal their correspondence, resume, savings, get their lazy greedy mediocre inexperienced relatives, friends raw/cbi jobs with fake resume, fake skills and faking computer work.

For more information about the rampant nepotism in the indian internet sector since 2010 with top companies running a sophisticated BRIBERY RACKET check the nepotism website, where a domain investor losing Rs 15 lakh annually due to nepotism, government slavery has shared her story. Other citizens, especially in india who are also suffering losses, are CHEATED, EXPLOITED due to nepotism, can share their story and get paid.

Allegedly BRIBED by google, tata, the indian government refuse to end the nepotism in the indian internet sector, instead those complaining are falsely labelled a security threat, denied their fundamental rights.

Refusal of government to correct data, end government slavery in indian internet sector forces domain investor to protest loudly

Refusal of government to correct data, end government slavery in indian internet sector forces domain investor to waste time and money protesting

In india, the government will acknowledge the work done by maidservants, dish washers, housewives cooking for their families spending their time, though it is not a very skilled work and the work is done at home.

Yet in a clear case of government slavery in the indian internet sector, the indian and 5 state governments in goa, karnataka,haryana, madhya pradesh, maharashtra are refusing to acknowledge the time spent by a single woman domain investor, doing computer work, money on domain renewals instead stealing her data to falsely give greedy gujju stock trader amita patel ( featured in moneycontrol, hindu business line),goan bhandari sunaina chodan and other fraud raw/cbi employees who do not spend any money on domains, credit , monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman

To cover up the government slavery, FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations, the government agencies are criminally defaming the single woman domain investor since 2010,denying her a life of dignity though she alone is spending her time doing the computer work.