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Benefits of Collective Empowerment

Collective empowerment is whereby groups in a community come together to work towards specific goals. Although there is individual or self-empowerment, collective empowerment has been seen to be more popular among different communities. Collective empowerment goes beyond the purpose of a social support system as it involves mostly growing economically and financially. Collective empowering has gained popularity over the years all over the world. An individual engaging in joint empowerment groups get different benefits. Example of collective empowerment includes women to help groups which help them generate income and also youth self-help groups. In this article are essential gains an individual can enjoy by engaging in collective empowerment programmes.

First and foremost, collective empowerment help in overcoming financial hurdles. One of the thing which is mostly affecting people in the community in this day and age is the inability to meet financial needs. With collective empowerment, the main goal is to create as many opportunities as possible for people in the community or the group. Some example of activities which may help generate income includes baking for sale, sewing, engaging in agribusiness and building of small scale industries to create employer from within. Another thing learnt from collective empowerment sessions is the ability and means of saving and utilising capital. Even with a good salary inability to manage and utilize your money may render you poor making you live from paycheck to paycheck. Some collective empowerment programmes take an extra step to create sacks and financial organisations for the members involved.

Secondly, collective empowerment creates learning opportunities. Educational and training programmes are essential for the revolution of the community; it is challenging to enact change without involving training and educational programmes. With collective empowerment programs, an individual can learn on different subjects and aspects. Some of the training includes how to generate income, how to manage finances and also how to maintain good health habits and habitable environment. There may also be training on short courses to the participant to help them get skills and generate income with them. Collective empowerment helps benefits one with the frequently organised seminar and a workshop making an individual aware of the opportunities surrounding them. Collective empowerment may also help an individual get and connect to the needed resources.

Thirdly, collective empowering also offers a sense of emotional and psychological support. When going through difficult times, we all need is support. Although collective empowerment may involve more on financial stability, the members can also come through for you when going through difficult times. With collective empowerment, one does not have to feel alone and left out as the member are likely to be there for you. With financial stability comes emotional balance. An individual can function more effectively, knowing they are financially stable. With collective empowerment, sensitive issues are also discussed. People who have undergone sexual abuse may also come together to support each other emotionally and to bring out their voice to avoid instances where others experience the same problems. Collective empowerment also helps in creating cohesiveness within the members of the community.

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